The Key To Transplanting Tree Peonies in Autumn

Publish Time: 2024-07-26     Origin: Site

The key to transplanting tree peonies in autumn

Autumn is the best time for planting and transplanting tree peonies. Do you know the key to transplanting peonies in autumn?

1. Choose an appropriate transplanting time

Best transplanting time: Autumn is the best season for transplanting tree peonies, especially from September to early November, especially when the temperature drops to around 10 degrees Celsius. At this point, peonies gradually enter a dormant period, their tree activity slows down, and their demand for water and nutrients relatively decreases. After transplantation, they can better adapt to the new environment and prepare for growth and flowering in the coming year.

Climate considerations: The autumn climate is suitable, with moderate soil temperature and humidity, which is conducive to the growth of new roots and the stability of plants. At the same time, it avoids adverse weather conditions such as late spring cold that may be encountered during spring transplanting.

2. Make sufficient preparations

Soil preparation: Select deep, breathable, and well drained soil for transplantation. If it is a potted plant, it is necessary to choose suitable soil and pots, and add a layer of small stones at the bottom of the pot to facilitate drainage. Some decomposed organic fertilizers can be added to the soil to improve its structure and provide nutrients.

Plant selection: Choose healthy peony plants for transplantation, avoiding selecting plants that are already diseased or have poor growth. Healthy plants can improve the success rate of transplantation and reduce the infection of pests and diseases.

Pruning the peony root system: Trim the peony root system of peonies before transplanting, removing old, weak, and diseased roots, and pruning excessively long roots. This helps plants grow and take root better in new environments.

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